More on the Solar Eclipse!

Each time I send out a Newsletter, I find the best wisdom I can find on the astrology transits occurring, combining them with the guidance I receive and the principles of healing and shift in consciousness work that I have learned and embrace in my own work. This week-end there is more to share on this amazing transit we are in. Because of the accelerated times we are living in, it is even more important than ever to pay attention and to utilize these openings in time where things can be accomplished personally that also move the collective forward. This last set of eclipses, according to Cathy Pagona at Wisdom of Astrology, is a final opportunity for this set of transits, to deal with our issues around Self and Other. How do we work in service to the whole and still get our personal needs met? How do we see the bigger picture and see our place within the whole? Here’s some more wisdom about this weekend’s portal of new moon and solar eclipse in Virgo.~ Blessings, Mary

From Cathy Pagano at Wisdom of Astrology
We’re entered eclipse season, which occurs twice a year. The Moon’s nodes are now in the early degrees of Libra (North Node) and Aries (South Node). These points in space indicate where the planes of Earth, Sun and Moon intersect. So these eclipses are our final reboot of the energies around the issue of Self (Aries) and Other (Libra) before the nodes change signs to Virgo/Pisces late in October. It’s time to change the way we see ourselves in relation to other people.

Eclipses form extra powerful New and Full Moons which signal major endings and beginnings. They disrupt old energy patterns so new ones can form. This partial Solar Eclipse and the 4th Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse on September 27-28 bring back and resolve issues we had in 1996-97. What was going on for you then? How will you resolve those issues now?

The old way (Aries) is to think we have to do everything ourselves—the old idea of ‘rugged individualism’. Me vs. them. Pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Not asking for help. The new way (Libra) sees that it’s all about ‘us’. It’s about how we need each other to thrive. How partnering up with others makes things easier. How we need to be helping each other achieve our goals. This doesn’t mean giving over our power to others—rather it’s about power-sharing and cooperation. Libra is the diplomat, the energy that is willing to negotiate rather than demand ‘my way or the highway’ like Aries might. Diplomacy has won out on the world stage, following the cosmic directions. It’s good to see the world moving to our cosmic instructions. Otherwise, we’d have a disaster (dis-aster= to go against the stars)!

This Virgo Solar Eclipse can help you begin your journey to wholeness and health. Chiron, the energy of the Wounded Healer, is opposite this New Moon. Chiron in Pisces asks us to heal not only our own wounds but the world’s wounds. This means facing our fears and seeing the false beliefs that keep us from our purpose and our service to life. Then we can begin to imagine a life of compassion, vision, artistry and community. A life based on Love in all its varieties and flavors. A life lived from the heart.
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