New Moon in Cancer Exact on July 4th! A Portal from the Past to the Future.

Love this image of the crab, the signature for Cancer in Astrology. I’m sending this newsletter a bit early because the planet Mars goes direct today from a lengthy retrograde period that has put us on hold_now we can slowly move forward with all that we learned about ourselves during the retrograde, acknowledging our part in events of the past. This new moon falls on a national holiday over the weekend  here in the U.S., the date of our nation’s Birthday, and I can feel its power already. Feels like a reprieve to me with energizing and joyful energy and yet there is more to follow. Sirius is conjunct this new moon again bringing both personal and collective openings to higher consciousness. I’ve written about Sirius before; when its close like this we can utilize it’s high frequency energy. This is a powerful year astrologically with one transit after another demanding our attention. As always, Divine Unity, one of my favorite astrologers,  has much wisdom to share about this New Moon.  See my latest newsletter!
~ Blessings, Mary

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