Finally, Mercury turns direct today! And a New Moon in Aries on the same day. It’s been a tough two weeks but hopefully things will ease up now. ?
This Aries New Moon occurs on April 15 at 6:57pm PDT/ 9:57pm EDT and on April 16 at 1:57am GMT. With Uranus in its final connection to an Aries New Moon for the next 84 years, plant seeds for the unexpected!
Cathy Pagano speaks of a new creation story; how would you like it to be? if you can imagine it, you can create it’! This is not a new concept, or new words, but the Universe is supporting this endeavor right now. As Cathy says, let your heart and soul do the creating! When we look around and see what is happening politically and in the world, what better time to use our power with alignment to our Souls and Spirit to create a new reality built on a new foundation! One of love and caring for the good of the whole. The world as we know it seems to be falling apart, so why not create a new reality the way we want it? What may result may be even different than what we can envision from our egos right now, but with our connection to who we are on higher realms of reality, the creation of a new reality is possible. It’s not only about what’s good for us as individuals, but what is good for humanity as a whole. It’s about Unity Consciousness and our ability to connect and align with who we are multidimensionally at higher levels of consciousness_ using that guidance and integrating that energy consciously to change the consciousness in the world. As we align our personal will with Divine Will, we can use our intention to create a better world, one with respect and harmony for all living beings.
Need help? Here’s a link to my guided mediations on my website or call me for a private session. “Experience the conscious connection to your Soul and to Spirit! “ ~ Blessings, Mary
From Cathy Pagano at Wisdom of Astrology
“This Aries New Moon is the first new Moon of the astrological year. And it’s a big one! This is the time to plant the seeds of rebirth and renewal for this coming year, seeds that will take you into your future. What’s different about this Aries New Moon? It is cradled between the asteroid Eris, Goddess of Discord and the planet Uranus, sky god of freedom, revolution and sudden changes.”
” …a new mind-set, a new perspective is waiting to be born within us, and hopefully within our society. As you look at the news (ruled by Mercury), for every attempt to turn the clock back on freedom, equality and environmental protections, you can see people rising up everywhere to stand against the regressive pull of old patriarchal thinking.”
While Uranus travels through Taurus from May 15 to November 6 before retrograding back to Aries until March 2019, we’ll be breaking new ground and beginning to work on our new foundations. What you end up building might not be what your ego expected you to create. Go with the flow and let your heart and soul do the creating.
Just to remind you, we are in the ‘hero’s journey’ part of the Uranus/Pluto cycle where we have to overcome obstacles to make sure the new seeds of revolution and evolution planted in the 60s get stronger and spread their roots deeper in our collective consciousness. More people are waking up to the fact that we have to be citizens rather than consumers, that we have to be stewards of the Earth rather than users, and that democracy demands an awakened citizenry rather than sleepers who look for the ‘bread and circus’ our leaders would bestow on us.
The idea of a new creation story is validated by the Sabian symbol for this New Moon at 27* Aries: Through imagination, a lost opportunity is regained. The creative imagination is the source of all creation and so we must first imagine what it is we want so we can manifest it. Perhaps the lost opportunity is a chance to build a world of peace, love and beauty, rather than the world of war, domination and misogyny we’ve been living in during patriarchal times.
Now add in the meaning of the Sabian symbol for Mercury turning direct at 5* Aries: A triangle with wings. This is a symbol of a higher order of being, of pure aspiration. A new dimension of being is initiated by our creative imagination and endeavors. Together these symbols speak to us of a new creation. A New Story!