I like what Pam Younghans says best about this New Moon! It’s a complicated one. No one has to tell about the complexity of the world right now but it helps to get some clarity about why certain things are up and direction as to where to go from here.. There’s no doubt we need to hold the light for the collective and follow our guidance about where we can most be of service. As we know, there is a lot of personal and ancestral clearing that is needed and integration of the new energies that are being downloaded. For those who were interested in the Hara Alignment tape last time, there was a delay in getting it posted on my website but it is there now and there will be another new one in the next week. For healers who are interested in new work, stay tuned. I am developing a new series that will be announced soon. You will find it on my Professional Training for Healers page here. ~ Blessings, Mary