Mary Holds Sacred Site Seminars, Online Seminars and Professional Training for Healers
Questions? Call Mary at 808 651-2045 Mary addresses the needs of each group individually so that healing occurs in both the mass consciousness and in individual healing in a unique way at this most pivotal time in history. To register see the seminars listed below. You can also call Mary at 808 651-2045 or email her at [email protected] if you have questions or prefer to pay by check or over the phone.
Seminar I is an online class. Experience A Sample Class
Payments may be made online for debit or credit charges using PayPal or Visa, MasterCard, Discover orAm-Ex or or by Zell. All transactions are secure and your information will remain confidential.
Upcoming Seminars
Spirit in the Desert
All guided meditations by Mary Bell are copyrighted and may not be duplicated. All information and content, including book excerpts, data, photographs, text, graphics, images, audio clips, MP3 audio, design, artwork, music and sounds and other material (collectively “Content”) included in is the property of Mary Bell and is protected by United States and international copyright laws. By using this site, you acknowledge that all such rights are valid and protected in all forms, media, and technologies now existing or hereinafter developed. You may not use any data gathering and extraction tools on this site, meta tags or other “hidden text” using Mary Bell or Foundation for Unity’s name without my written permission.